Scheduling Noise

Original write My pi is connected to an external drive. 4tb. With all this space i’m running a torrent client. Thing is, it keeps the HDD running pretty much all the time. And it makes a bit of noise. Also, because the torrent is running, my pi’s temperature is raising. So i installed a fan on it. The fan has no control on it. Only two wires, for power and ground. I would need a third to be able to control the rpm of it via gpio. i’ll get there soon. ...

7 June 2023 · 4 min · 822 words · haidook

Booting Rpi From Ssd

I’ve been running a rpi for a couple of years now. Made it into a webserver, used it for playing with nginx and django. At one point it failed. I did not know what, but i reset my sdcard and lost everything. Almost, i had backup, but it’s good to start from scratch. Turns out it was the psu. Anyway, i’ve been reading that sd cards are unreliable, so i want to poot it from a ssd. This is what i’m gonna try today. ...

11 March 2023 · 1 min · 146 words · haidook

Building My Bookshelf Page

Background On my old website version i had a bookshelf page where i put the books i read. It was a fancy way of tracking the books i read, aside from using For some good years now, i’ve been tracking1 lots of stuff. From tv-shows watched to hours slept and from bike rides to read books. The book tracking is kinda recent…or not. I just checked my goodreads and my first book is from 2015. But i wasn’t an avid reader. Maybe some 10+ books in a good year. I’ll see exactly when i move my data. ...

9 February 2023 · 4 min · 774 words · haidook