*Still in construction*


What Streets Do You Want? Fixing Urban Planning in Paris and Barcelona - by DW REV - Cars & Mobility - Cars have no future in cities and the change is coming.

INFLATION, Explained in 6 Minutes - by Johnny Harris - Quick explanation on what inflation is

The Selfish Ledger (leaked internal video, Google X) - This internal video from 2016 (leaked to the Verge) by Nick Foster shows a Google concept for how total data collection could reshape society.

A Blind Person Describes What the World Looks Like - by Pursuit of Wonder - A short fiction story about a young man seeing the world for the first time.

How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by James Clear by FightMediocrity - Great summary of the book

How sure are climate scientists? | Degrees of Uncertainty by Neil Halloran - Degrees of Uncertainty is an animated documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts.

The Animation That Changed Cinema by The Cinema Cartography

Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds - “I don’t have many failures. If i’m making a cake and it fails, it becomes a pudding.

Short animations

Top 100 3D Renders from the Internet’s Largest CG Challenge | Alternate Realities by pwnisher - Best 100 from a selection of 2400 - i would set it as a screensaver / and another one

3:45 PM by Alisha Liu - A girl sinks into contemplation during a picnic at the park.